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Cloud arhitektūra

Cloud architecture

This variant of architecture is advisable in the cases, when it is necessary to reduce costs, related to maintenance of local e-StepControl solution. In this case creation of user profiles and identification of atypical behaviour is implemented according to the “software as a service” principle. This variant of architecture is also advisable, if the topology of internal organization network is dispersed and it does not have strictly definable outlines or centralised computing nodes. In the case of choosing the cloud architecture variant, depersonification module is introduced as an additional layer, which guarantees non-existence of leakage risks of sensitive data of IS users.

Arhitektūra trešo pušu izstrādātājiem

Architecture for third-party developers

This variant of architecture ensures distribution of e-StepControl solution as a separate module (core). It is intended for deep integration with the protected system within the third-party developer software. The respective module can be integrated both as a platform component of the specific solution, and in a reproducible software product. This architecture variant also allows to transfer information on activities of users directly to e-StepControl core module, instead of connecting e-StepControl solution to the auditing database.

On-premise arhitektūra

On-premise architecture

This variant of architecture determines, that e-StepControl solution is installed within the customer's IT infrastructure. The analysed data, behaviour models and notification reports are created, processed and saved locally, without leaving the customer's internal IT infrastructure. By using this architecture, full data confidentiality is ensured and there is no need to carry out any data depersonification. In this variant also the updating strategy of e-StepControl solution is managed by the customer itself. In addition, advisory support is offered. To get more info please contact us.

Cloud architecture
Architecture for third-party developers
On-premise architecture