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e-StepControl v3.0


e-StepControl version 3.0 will be released in the mid of summer of 2021. The version includes a new algorithm for detecting atypical user behavior, which uses a combination of multi-factor analysis, to detect atypical user behavior. Factors that are analyzed for anomalies include the sequence of user actions, time intervals between actions, web browser version, IP address, user activity during work or off-time, and other events.

Here are other significant product changes:

  • Possibility to analyze user activity audit records from several IT systems used in the client's organization, for example, both from individually programmed business support systems and from standard popular programs, such as MS Office 365, MS Dynamics, etc.
  • Introduced a new functionality called “Trusted Users” that allows you to compare a typical user behavior profile against a trusted user profile;
  • Transformation of certain transition identifiers and descriptive information of users actions and data flow.